Was wurde aus der Welt von gestern? Ausnahmezustand vs. Normalität
Literaturhaus Graz
7.10., 19:30
Literaturhaus Graz
Elisabethstraße 30, 8010 Graz ♿
In German
Tickets: 12/8 Euro per day (at box office only)
Tickets can be reserved at the latest by 16:00 on the day of the event at www.literaturhaus-graz.at.
→ Out of Joint. The literary festival within steirischer herbst
(What Has Become of the World of Yesterday? State of Exception vs. Normality)
The theory of the state of exception has been put to an unexpectedly harsh test this year. Suddenly, even people in Western democracies were confronted with restrictions that no one could have previously imagined. How can philosophers help to explain these phenomena? Against what background have fundamental political decisions been made? Does another kind of reason prevail during crises? Is medicine still—irrevocably—the first and only authority on biopolitics? What other frames of reference exist? What has become of the world of yesterday? What is still normal?
With Lisz Hirn, Konrad Paul Liessmann, Robert Pfaller, Kathrin Röggla, and Martin Sprenger
Host: Klaus Kastberger
Lisz Hirn (1984, Leoben) studied philosophy and voice in Graz, Paris, Vienna, and Kathmandu. The journalist and philosopher in youth and adult education lives in Vienna. Recent publications: Wer braucht Superhelden? Was wirklich nötig ist, um unsere Welt zu retten (Molden 2020).
Konrad Paul Liessmann (1953, Villach) is a professor for Methods of Teaching Philosophy and Ethics and head of the university course on Philosophical Practice at the University of Vienna. He has been director of the Philosophicum Lech since 1997. Recent publications: Das alles sind bösartige Übertreibungen und Unterstellungen (Zur Kunst des Schreibens, Droschl 2020).
Robert Pfaller (1962, Vienna) studied philosophy and is a professor of philosophy and cultural studies at the University of Art and Design Linz. Co-founded the European initiative “Adults for Adults: Citizens Against Patronizing Politics” in 2013. Recent publications: Die blitzenden Waffen: Über die Macht der Form (S. Fischer 2020).
Kathrin Röggla (1971, Salzburg) lives in Berlin-Neukölln. She studied German language and literature and journalism in Salzburg and Berlin and writes prose, radio plays, and theatre texts. Austrian Art Prize for Literature in 2020. Vice President of the Academy of Arts in Berlin. Recent publications: Der Elefant im Raum (Academy of Arts 2019).
Martin Sprenger, a physician and public health expert, is a member of the Corona Task Force of the Austrian Federal Government. He has been head of the university course on public health at the Medical University of Graz since 2010. Recent publications: Das Corona-Rätsel. Tagebuch einer Pandemie (Seifert Verlag 2020).