Discussion and Finissage
Schlossberghotel – Das Kunsthotel
18.10., 17:00
Schlossberghotel and live online
Schlossberghotel – Das Kunsthotel
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Kai 30, 8010 Graz ♿
In German
Free admission
Limited attendance. Please register via e-mail to tickets [at] steirischerherbst.at.
Music by Berndt Luef Trio
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’20
(Austrian Conspiracies)
With Stephanie Krisper, Johann Skocek, Jörg Vogeltanz, and Martin Wabl
Curated and moderated by Herwig G. Höller
Despite all the groundwork done by Freud, Austria was always a relative backwater paranoia-wise. This started to change with the end of the Cold War and the general destabilization of politics in the country in its wake. Were notorious letter bombers and kidnappers really acting alone? Were the sports associations pulling the strings behind the scenes? Finally, the Ibiza affair brought the paranoia in Austria to a world-class level. Could it really be that a Viennese attorney managed to topple a sitting government all on his own? Or were foreign intelligence agencies to blame, as friends of the ex-vice chancellor Strache still suspect? Were they trying to interfere with Austria’s all-too-friendly relations with Russia?
Herwig G. Höller (1974, Rottenmann, Austria) is a journalist, art critic, and Slavonic Studies scholar. His investigative journalism and analyses focus on Russia and Ukraine, with a special emphasis on foreign policy and culture. He lives in Moscow and Rottenmann.
Stephanie Krisper (1980, Vienna, Austria) is an Austrian lawyer and politician (NEOS). Krisper worked as a human rights expert for the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights in Vienna. Since November 2017 she has been a member of the Austrian parliament, where she has been active in the investigation committee on the Ibiza affair. She lives in Vienna.
Johann Skocek (1953, Austria) studied sports and history, worked for Die Presse and Der Standard as an editor, has been writing as a freelance journalist for newspapers and magazines in Austria and Germany since 2008 and specializes in background reporting in the triangle of business, politics, and sports. He lives in Vienna.
Jörg Vogeltanz (1968, Graz) is an artist who has been working in the field of comics, graphic novels, and video art. For some time he has also been interested in “alternative interpretations of reality.” Vogeltanz is considered the leading expert on conspiracy theories in the Styrian art scene. He lives in Graz.
Martin Wabl (1945, Semriach, Austria) is a former politician and judge, best known as an investigative lawyer and for his study of the case of Natascha Kampusch. He lives in Fürstenfeld.
Music by Berndt Luef Trio
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’20