U.G.A.I., hört die Signale! (2020)
25.9., 26.9., 19:00
Orpheumgasse 8, 8020 Graz ♿
Duration: ca. 90 min.
In German
Single tickets 16/12 Euro
→ Tickets
Artists: Blind Date Collaboration (Alisa Beck, Marie-Christin Rissinger), ANULLA (Klemens Kohlweis, Anna Lerchbaumer, Andreas Zißler)
Production: monochrom (Günther Friesinger) and Olympic Productions
Text, dramaturgy: Anna Hirschmann
Sound: Fabian Lanzmaier
Light design & on site production: Brigitte Schima
Sound recordings: Gustavo Petek
Speakers: Nehle Breer, Özge Dayan-Mair, Barbara Gassner, Lilith Häßle, Michaela Klamminger, and Anna Rot
Thanks to Flexmirror GmbH, Zapp Cam Furian-Seidl OG, Michael Weidhofer, Konstantin Wolf, Sara Zlanabitnig (Echoraum), WUK performing arts, and Studio RAUM 33
Co-produced by Graz Kulturjahr 2020 and steirischer herbst '20
In the context of Graz Kulturjahr 2020
The "Union of Global Artificial Intelligence" is a union founded by intelligent systems and machines. As the by-product of a research project, the U.G.A.I. has been migrating from server to server for thirty years now, making calculations as to the future of work. Who’s the labor force for the age of the zettabyte? What would happen if intelligent systems organized themselves and started to stand up for their rights? Welcome to the black box! Welcome to an object-performance at the interface between theater, sound, and media art.
anulla – Arbeitsgruppe für Geräuschkultur uses collaborative experimentation as a starting point for their artistic practice. Tones/noises/sounds become tools, materials, and objects of discourse. anulla spans the field between performance, music and visual art. Objects become instruments, balloons become performers and field recordings become spatial installations. Together they aim to not only explore the medium of sound as an object of investigation, but also to create interventions and installations.
Blind Date Collaboration is an open group addressing social issues through an artistic and interdisciplinary approach. Their aim is to create situations, make spaces, and find strategies on (site-)specific and context-based problematics. In the sense of a “conflictual participation”, the group understands collaboration (as opposed to cooperation) as a form of working together that allows different interests to coexist in one space. The members come from different professional backgrounds and are convinced that it is essential to confront our own practice with the previously unknown—be it working methods, languages, the view of the world, or thematic interests.
monochrom is an international art-technology-philosophy collective with offices in Vienna's MuseumsQuartier. The group is known for working with different media and formats. Many projects have a performative character and favor critical and discursive narratives. monochrom refers to this as “the search for the best medium for the message”. Their aim is to strengthen public discourse in civil society, occasionally using subversive affirmation or overaffirmation as a tactic. The group supports the concept of context hacking.
Artists: Blind Date Collaboration (Alisa Beck, Marie-Christin Rissinger), ANULLA (Klemens Kohlweis, Anna Lerchbaumer, Andreas Zißler)
Production: monochrom (Günther Friesinger) and Olympic Productions
Text, dramaturgy: Anna Hirschmann
Sound: Fabian Lanzmaier
Light design & on site production: Brigitte Schima
Sound recordings: Gustavo Petek
Speakers: Nehle Breer, Özge Dayan-Mair, Barbara Gassner, Lilith Häßle, Michaela Klamminger, and Anna Rot
Thanks to Flexmirror GmbH, Zapp Cam Furian-Seidl OG, Michael Weidhofer, Konstantin Wolf, Sara Zlanabitnig (Echoraum), WUK performing arts, and Studio RAUM 33
Co-produced by Graz Kulturjahr 2020 and steirischer herbst '20
In the context of Graz Kulturjahr 2020