das kollektiv
Antirassistische und Postkoloniale Utopien in der Bildungsarbeit mit und als Migrant*innen
Forum Stadtpark

10.10., 16:00–18:00

Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz  ♿

Free admission
Registration: office@forumstadtpark.at or
t + 43 (0) 316 827734 (Tue–Fri, 10:00–15:00)

→  Utopie. Konferenz für praktische Kritik

(Anti-Racist and Postcolonial Utopias)

Antiracist and postcolonial utopias with das kollektiv – critical education, counseling, and cultural work by and for migrants.

Three co-workers of das kollektiv, who grew up and were socialized in three different former colonies, talk about the anti-racist, queer-feminist and utopian approaches in the context of their educational work and the connections between their biographical experiences, struggles for social justice and the utopian horizons in the practice of the group das kollektiv.
