AK. Unbehagen
living room
Forum Stadtpark

10.10., 10:00–12:00

Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz  ♿

Setting: open to all genders, no prerequisite knowledge needed
Maximum 15 people
Registration: goenitzer@forumstadtpark.at

→  Utopie. Konferenz für praktische Kritik

Our immediate experiences in the current pandemic recall to mind a topic that already came to the fore early on in connection with feminist utopias: space as an expression of subjectivity, expanded bodily limits, and social practice. In their workshop, AK. Unbehagen plan to address space as a point of departure for examining the question of a feminist utopia, bringing their own aesthetic sensory experience to bear on the discussion, along with literature and theory.

The Arbeitskreis Unbehagen is a theory collective from Leipzig that studies feminist utopias with a focus on both literary and socio-political utopias.
