Antonia von Anarres, Antonia im Eulenspiegel, Lain Iwakura
heaven is a place on earth
Es ist anzunehmen, dass es ein Experiment ist

Live radio play
Forum Stadtpark

9.10., 21:00

In German

Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz  ♿

Free admission
Registration: or
t + 43 (0) 316 827734 (Tue–Fri, 10:00–15:00)

→  Utopie. Konferenz für praktische Kritik

“The exercise of imagination is dangerous to those who profit from the way things are because it has the power to show that the way things are is not permanent, not universal, not necessary. Having that real though limited power to put established institutions into question, imaginative literature has also the responsibility of power. The storyteller is the truthteller.” (Ursula K. Le Guin)

Based on the texts of Ursula K. Le Guin, Antonia von Anarres, Antonia im Eulenspiegel and Lain Iwakura develop a live radio play about the possible causes of future experiences. Why are things the way they are? Do they have to be the way they are? How could they be if they were different?
