David Kurta in conversation with Jamilla Balint
Discussion online
3.10., 17:00
In German and/or English
Participation free of charge, limited number of participants
Information and registration:
t +43 (0) 664 2450089
education [at] steirischerherbst.at
As in the past two years, we would like to take a closer look at and discuss individual artworks with you while trying out different perspectives. Although we can’t offer tours to artworks at various locations in Graz this year, we do invite you to join us for lively conversations at the large shared table via Zoom.
Lawrence Abu Hamdan’s installation tells of a not too distant future in which everyday objects and surfaces can be used to watch over the population. Potato chip bags, KitKat wrappers, handkerchiefs, water glasses, and even flower petals can be heard as they listen, each contributing their own unique sound.
Jamilla Balint (1986, Zurich, Switzerland) is a researcher in the interdisciplinary field of acoustics and architecture. In her work she focuses on the sonic environment as an augmented design tool and explores the perception of space in its auditory dimension. Balint lives in Graz.